Okay, here I am listening to tunes and procrastinating on my English project, all the while wondering what to write in this blog post... Sorry I can't compare to the awesome blogposts already made, I will try not to fail you all!
How about summarizing what we did today? Well, we didn't do much actually. We watched a video on the smartboard that was quite entertaining and informative. We also had to complete a worksheet while watching said video. The worksheet was pretty straightforward since the answers were easily derived from the video. (Don't worry, don't worry, I'll post the worksheet with the answers in a bit...)
The video was mainly about the reflection of light through/off of different mediums. I'd come up with some analogies for the concepts but I wouldn't be able to do the video justice. Gah! I wish I could just find the darned video.
Now here is the worksheet. I apologize for my horrid penmanship and diagrams (oh and my scanning isn't very good but oh well!) D: !!

1) Anywhoots, first we learned how to find the shortest distance light would travel between two points. This is done by drawing a B-prime (an imaginary point beyond the barrier, mirroring the actual point) and connecting it to point A. The point where point B-prime crosses the barrier is the point where point A and point B should meet, thus resulting in the shortest distance to travel. The same applies for question 2.
2) Read my lengthy paragraph above.

3) This is relatively straightfoward. We've been repeating this concept for the past... week? So yeah! The angle of incident = the angle of reflection.
4) Okay, we can compare this to a page in a book because the book's surface is rough, not smooth. If it was smooth, the light rays would reflect much like light would off of a mirror, thus we'd only be able to see the contents of the book at (a) certain angle(s). The rough surface allows the rays to be reflected at different angles which allows us to view the page from any angle. (Hopefully I explained this well enough!)
5) This is similar to the first and second question~!
Okay, since the answers for the rest of the worksheet are easily explained through the context in which it is found, I feel that I don't need to explain anymore. (Plus, I need to get crackin' on my English project D: )
All in all, the video provided new viewpoints for the concepts we are learning, making it easier to understand. I learned and relearned a couple of things. (I mean come on! I had no idea a polar bear is black with white fur :O who'da known? Hahaha!)
Alas, after the video, we corrected the worksheet and attempted to correct a previous assignment... "Refraction - Light." We only got two questions corrected so I shall leave that entirely up to the next scribe... Which just so happens to be...
Super Captain Awesome of Extreme Fantasticness!
(C'man, a pseudonym like that should've drawn attention LONG ago!)
(C'man, a pseudonym like that should've drawn attention LONG ago!)
adieu~ ♥!
Thanks for posting. You covered the information that we did in class very well
I wonder who Captain Awesome could possibly be...
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