well in class today we started off by taking attendance then shortly after we corrected the 4 worksheets that were assigned on monday, i hope everyone did well, i myself got almost everything correct.
anywho, after that we were assigned to read parts D, E and F (pages 5,6 and 7) in our blue note booklet, then do questions 1-6 on page 12. I will summarize parts D, E and F for you guys.
Part D: Reflection
This part explained how when a pulse hits a wall, it comes back the other way. Here is a simple diagram explaining it.

(Okay dude, underline went on and i dont know how to take it off, so yeah)
anyways it's a pretty easy concept to grasp, you just gotta know that when the pulse hits the wall it exerts a force upward on the support, which then exerts and equeal (but opposite) force down. This force makes the inverted pulese.
When There is no barrier, the rope's pulse will reflect on the same side, like so.

nice, its not underlined anymore
anyways the rope is free, so when the pulse reaches the end the particles exert an upward force, sendin' the pulse back as an imcoming pulse.
E: Wave Transmission in Two Media
The speed is constant when a pulse travels through a medium, but if two different mediums were connected and had different densities, the speed would change abruptly. Frequency will not change as it is a constant. The equation v=fλ shows how to calculate this change.
An example would be connecting a light rope to heavy rope, the wavelength and the speed would decrease, and vica versa =]
F: Wave Transmission and Partial Reflection in Two Media
on the connection between to media, some reflection may occur, this is called partial reflection. Some energy is reflected back to the first medium, and some is transfered to the next. There is no change in speed, wavelength and frequency in the reflected pulse.

here is a little example i cooked up, it just shows the inverse pulse reflection
When a wave goes from a big rope to little one, there is no inversion, but still some reflection.
The littler rope acts like a free end, but its not quite.

When moving from a large to small rope the pulse moves faster and has a greater wavelength, but isnt inverted
there it is, my first post (try to ignore some typos and/or grammatical errors
1 comment:
Excellent post Kale. You summarized the readings very well. Great job!
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