Thursday, January 22, 2009

Uhmmmmm Finally It's Me!!! XD

Hahaha hmmm hello fellow classmates ! Prepare for the most mind shattering blog post of your entire life.

Today in physics we did a quick review of the right hand rule in regards to magnetic fields.

First Right Hand Rule: Tells us direction of flow and what the magnetic field looks like around a wire with a current.

Second Rule: Tells us polarity and flow of electrical current in an electromagnet.

Third Rule: Tells us direction of current, polarity, and the force being exerted by a wire with a current flowing through it placed in a magnetic field.

We also quickly reviewed our new formula B= FB/IL

B is the magnitude of the magnetic field. This is measured in teslas, or N/A-m (newtons/ ampere-meter)

FB represents the force of the magnetic field

I represents the current, measured in amperes or amps.

L represents the length of the wire/conductor in meters.

Sooooo that's that part out of the way. As far as work goes, today we focused on a sheet called Electromagnetism Questions (original title, no?)

For the first 6, we simply use the formula B= FB/IL, although on occasion we had to derive the equation to solve for force, i.e. FB = BIL. These are actually fairly simple and I think it's probably more useful to you if you practice these ones on your own to get the answers rather than having me post 'em here.

Questions 7-13 are basically reviews and carbon copies of questions we have done on other sheets, so I also will not delve too deeply into those.

14 is somewhat of a less touched upon area. Magnetic declination refers to the angle between the local magnetic field (direction compass points north) and what is considered "true north".

15 is fairly straightforward. Both a stationary and moving charge have electric fields due to charge, and gravitational fields due to mass. A moving charge, however will also have a magnetic field. Yeah.. i think that's it? haha...

16. The magnetic domains in the iron will align with the external magnetic field, adding to the overall strength of the field. Woohoo... XD

17.Maximum magnetic force will be experienced when a charged particle travels perpendicular to the magnetic field. Minimum force will be experienced when the charged particle travels parallel.

yeah guess that's it lol. If we finished that sheet, we got to work on exam reviews basically, and with the exam approaching fast its best to learn your stuff now rather than waiting until the last minute (like I should talk..).

Hmmm one more thing XD i hereby declare .:. J + ME .:. aka Jamie to be the next scribe. Lol, that is all my good people... Happy Physics-ing XD

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