Yesterday, we watched 'same same' guy, got our physics test back, worked on questions 1-10 in the textbook and got 2 worksheets which we corrected today! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!
CORRECTIONS (cuz that's all that we did today)
page 510. Questions 1-10
1. Like poles repel, opposite poles attract.
2. A temporary magnet is only magnetic under the influence of a permenant magnet.
3. Magnetic Metals: Iron, Colbalt, Nickel.


6. If you were to cut a magnet in half there wouldn't be seperate poles. New poles would form on both ends.

Magnetic Fields Worksheet (Answers)
1. Magnetic and electric forces both attract and repel. (north/south, positive/negative)
2.Difference is that electic charges can be seperated but magnetic poles are always in pairs.
3. A magntic field is the region of space around a magnet. Its source is the domain (which contains spinning electrons)
4. A domin consists of a bunch of spinning electrons oriented in the same direction.
5. Heating or dropping a magnet will disturb the domains and it will mix up and pont in different directions.
6. north
7. geographic north pole OR magetic south pole
8. domains
9. b. tin
10. c. never
11. a. north
12. Use a compass or bar magnet to se if it attracts/ repel.
14. A piec of irn can become a mgnet is you stroke it with a permanent magnet in one direction.

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