Thanks to Roger (-_-), I am now your scribe for today.
If you recall last Friday, we worked on some problems/questions from the book. Today, we corrected numbers 1-7 on Page 129. We also corrected Study Guide 4.2: Components of Vectors.
Here are the answers...
PAGE 129 #'s 1-7
1.) 65N - 32N = 33N [E]
a. vector D and vector C: ----------> 10 units
b. vector A and vector D: -> 1 unit
c. vector C and vector A: ---> 3 units
d. vector A and vector C: ---> 3 units
e. vector E and F: no vector or a "." (dot)
a. 100N - 75N = 25N [up]
b. 100 + 75N = 175N [down]
a. 200km/h + 50km/h = 250km/h
b. 200km/h - 50km/h = 150km/h
a. vector C and D: *I think there was a mistake on this one in the book, but I didn't get to write it down :(*
b. vector C and E:
c. vector D and E:
a. A+C+D: -------> 7 units
b. D+E+B:
c. B+D+F: zero
1.) b
2.) b
3.) c
4.) b
5.) d
6.) a
7.) c
8.) c or b
9.) b or c
10.) c
11.) c
12.) c
13.) c
14.) c
Sorry if some of the answers that I put here are incorrect. Just ask our fellow classmates if you think that the answer is really off.
After the corrections, we were given a handout about Constant Velocity and Constant Acceleration. Ms. Kozoriz explained what "constant" meant.
constant = uniform = same = never changes
Constant Velocity is a velocity that always stays the same.
Constant Acceleration can also mean Changing Velocity.
She also told us the alternate formulas for constant velocity and constant acceleration.
Constant velocity
delta d = velocity * delta t
Constant Acceleration
acceleration = (V1- V2)/(delta t)
displacement = ( (V1+V2)/2 ) * (delta t)
After that, we had the rest of the class time to work on new worksheets. One was to practice using the formulas with problems. Another was sketching motions in graphs.
I don't really do well on explaining things, so pardon my lack of information (-_-")
That's all for now. I hope that I stated enough everything that happened in class today.
*edit: Almost forgot, the next scribe will be Moot a.k.a. Fajipico. Chyeaha :)
- Charchar (:
haah wow you posted before roger. good job! (:
haha, thanks! :D
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