Well, I'm the scribe today and I just got home a few hours ago. Busy busy. We're all getting ready for exam week next week and I'm sure we're all worrying especially for our physics exam. It should be no trouble if preparations are made.
You know what else I'm doing right now? I'm scribing...in 3D. That's right. I have them on. This is an experience. I can see the letters pop out of the screen. Just kidding. But hey. These look awesome compared to those blue and red ones made for that Spy Kids junk. Don't even get me started with Shark Boy/Lava Girl either. Don't you dare.
Before we got to the exam-cram, we corrected 1 - 6 on the worksheet called ELECTROMAGNETISM QUESTIONS. As long as you know your formulas and units, this part of the unit is easy. The main formula here is:
Magnitude of Magnetic Field = Force on wire divided by current in amps(A) x length of wire in meters
( B = FB/Il)
OF COURSE if it's asking for another value, just rearrange the formula and isolate the value the question is seeking. Basically, plug and chug.
ANSWERS [no vectors on the values because I can't do that here.or don't feel like finding the html codes for it]:
1. B = 0.4 T
2. FB = 2.3 N
3. B = 0.2 T
4. FB = 1.6 N
5. B = 0.13 T
6. B = 0.15 T
As for the rest of those questions on that sheet, we didn't go over them because we basically did another worksheet with similar questions.
Click here if you really want them again. Or for Matthew's abridged vers. here.
Then we went on with exam review which I think helps a lot. I've been doing some reading over the past units as well. Sure I'm not completely finished the review but I've done something. Even started typing out shorter notes and highlighting. So I think I'll be good.
I'm sure we'll probably go over some answers in the review tomorrow, right before the exam on Monday!
Hmmm. what else happened? I guess, people went on to their own little worlds after studying a bit. All I remember was having a conversation with Matthew and Ann about Home Alone and past experiences in the Eatons building before it became the MTS Centre. I really want tickets to SYTYCD Canada.. arghhh
Thinking of Eatons makes Matthew think of that soap opera The Young and the Restless and for me, well it makes me think of the time when I was stabbed in the eye by a kid with a plastic knife. It's quite funny looking back on it now, but I still have somewhat of a scar. LOL. I just usually say I got the scar from being in a war or something. Oh well . I'm going into tangents right now... so yeah. But hey.. what does EATONS remind you of?
I guess I'll get back to studying more physics and calculus. I'm pretty sure I'll do well on this exam and hopefully raise my mark. I don't understand though why I'm still getting this mark. I mean sure, I've had one or two bad tests but they weren't that bad. And I have handed in all my sheets. I'm sorry I'm being annoying, but this is bugging me. I just need a little justification here. I guess I'm just a persistent little bugger. I guess I'll worry about that tomorrow.
Now now.. since I wasn't the LAST LAST scribe, which I thought I was until I realized it was only THURSDAY, I shall pass on my scribing powers. To who.......????? uhh.... okay...WONDERBREAD, who has great announcing abilities.. I think it is you Daniel..right?
PS...It would be cool if we had like... a PARTEH tmro.. like maybe a potluck thing or just a plain.. bring food thing. **cough I'm emphasizing FOOD **
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Uhmmmmm Finally It's Me!!! XD
Hahaha hmmm hello fellow classmates ! Prepare for the most mind shattering blog post of your entire life.
Today in physics we did a quick review of the right hand rule in regards to magnetic fields.
First Right Hand Rule: Tells us direction of flow and what the magnetic field looks like around a wire with a current.
Second Rule: Tells us polarity and flow of electrical current in an electromagnet.
Third Rule: Tells us direction of current, polarity, and the force being exerted by a wire with a current flowing through it placed in a magnetic field.
We also quickly reviewed our new formula B= FB/IL
B is the magnitude of the magnetic field. This is measured in teslas, or N/A-m (newtons/ ampere-meter)
FB represents the force of the magnetic field
I represents the current, measured in amperes or amps.
L represents the length of the wire/conductor in meters.
Sooooo that's that part out of the way. As far as work goes, today we focused on a sheet called Electromagnetism Questions (original title, no?)
For the first 6, we simply use the formula B= FB/IL, although on occasion we had to derive the equation to solve for force, i.e. FB = BIL. These are actually fairly simple and I think it's probably more useful to you if you practice these ones on your own to get the answers rather than having me post 'em here.
Questions 7-13 are basically reviews and carbon copies of questions we have done on other sheets, so I also will not delve too deeply into those.
14 is somewhat of a less touched upon area. Magnetic declination refers to the angle between the local magnetic field (direction compass points north) and what is considered "true north".
15 is fairly straightforward. Both a stationary and moving charge have electric fields due to charge, and gravitational fields due to mass. A moving charge, however will also have a magnetic field. Yeah.. i think that's it? haha...
16. The magnetic domains in the iron will align with the external magnetic field, adding to the overall strength of the field. Woohoo... XD
17.Maximum magnetic force will be experienced when a charged particle travels perpendicular to the magnetic field. Minimum force will be experienced when the charged particle travels parallel.
yeah guess that's it lol. If we finished that sheet, we got to work on exam reviews basically, and with the exam approaching fast its best to learn your stuff now rather than waiting until the last minute (like I should talk..).
Hmmm one more thing XD i hereby declare .:. J + ME .:. aka Jamie to be the next scribe. Lol, that is all my good people... Happy Physics-ing XD
Today in physics we did a quick review of the right hand rule in regards to magnetic fields.
First Right Hand Rule: Tells us direction of flow and what the magnetic field looks like around a wire with a current.
Second Rule: Tells us polarity and flow of electrical current in an electromagnet.
Third Rule: Tells us direction of current, polarity, and the force being exerted by a wire with a current flowing through it placed in a magnetic field.
We also quickly reviewed our new formula B= FB/IL
B is the magnitude of the magnetic field. This is measured in teslas, or N/A-m (newtons/ ampere-meter)
FB represents the force of the magnetic field
I represents the current, measured in amperes or amps.
L represents the length of the wire/conductor in meters.
Sooooo that's that part out of the way. As far as work goes, today we focused on a sheet called Electromagnetism Questions (original title, no?)
For the first 6, we simply use the formula B= FB/IL, although on occasion we had to derive the equation to solve for force, i.e. FB = BIL. These are actually fairly simple and I think it's probably more useful to you if you practice these ones on your own to get the answers rather than having me post 'em here.
Questions 7-13 are basically reviews and carbon copies of questions we have done on other sheets, so I also will not delve too deeply into those.
14 is somewhat of a less touched upon area. Magnetic declination refers to the angle between the local magnetic field (direction compass points north) and what is considered "true north".
15 is fairly straightforward. Both a stationary and moving charge have electric fields due to charge, and gravitational fields due to mass. A moving charge, however will also have a magnetic field. Yeah.. i think that's it? haha...
16. The magnetic domains in the iron will align with the external magnetic field, adding to the overall strength of the field. Woohoo... XD
17.Maximum magnetic force will be experienced when a charged particle travels perpendicular to the magnetic field. Minimum force will be experienced when the charged particle travels parallel.
yeah guess that's it lol. If we finished that sheet, we got to work on exam reviews basically, and with the exam approaching fast its best to learn your stuff now rather than waiting until the last minute (like I should talk..).
Hmmm one more thing XD i hereby declare .:. J + ME .:. aka Jamie to be the next scribe. Lol, that is all my good people... Happy Physics-ing XD
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Magnetism >:D
Well.. Matthew's job as scribe sorta got stolen again so... he can do it tomorrow (cuz he said i can do it) :D

Yesterday, we watched 'same same' guy, got our physics test back, worked on questions 1-10 in the textbook and got 2 worksheets which we corrected today! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!
CORRECTIONS (cuz that's all that we did today)
page 510. Questions 1-10
1. Like poles repel, opposite poles attract.
2. A temporary magnet is only magnetic under the influence of a permenant magnet.
3. Magnetic Metals: Iron, Colbalt, Nickel.


6. If you were to cut a magnet in half there wouldn't be seperate poles. New poles would form on both ends.

Magnetic Fields Worksheet (Answers)
1. Magnetic and electric forces both attract and repel. (north/south, positive/negative)
2.Difference is that electic charges can be seperated but magnetic poles are always in pairs.
3. A magntic field is the region of space around a magnet. Its source is the domain (which contains spinning electrons)
4. A domin consists of a bunch of spinning electrons oriented in the same direction.
5. Heating or dropping a magnet will disturb the domains and it will mix up and pont in different directions.
6. north
7. geographic north pole OR magetic south pole
8. domains
9. b. tin
10. c. never
11. a. north
12. Use a compass or bar magnet to se if it attracts/ repel.
14. A piec of irn can become a mgnet is you stroke it with a permanent magnet in one direction.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ferromagnetism + Domain Theory + Right Hand Rule
Hey guuuise! Ingrid here, I decided to be awesome and steal Matthew's scribe job from Friday :]
Anywhoots, we had another sub, Mrs. Karras I believe, and we went over several things.
We received a booklet on Ferromagnetism and the Domain Theory of Magnetism, we were given about 15 mins to read through it and then answer the questions at the back of the book. We were also given notes on Oersted's Discovery/The Right Hand Rule.
Here are the answers to the questions from the booklet:
1) To magnetize a steel nail, you can either rub it against an already permanent magnet, or simply place it in a magnetic field. In order to lose it's magnetization, you can heat the magnet or remove it from the magnetic field (i.e. drop it).
2) In order for such an occurrence to, well- occur, the cans would have to be made out of a ferromagnetic material. Therefore, the cans are not made of aluminum because aluminum is not a ferromagnetic material, thus it would not be affected by a magnet.
3) One end of the known magnet would be attracted towards the ferromagnetic material (iron) and the other end would repel the permanent magnet.
4) The purpose of the Van Allen belt it to protect us from the Solar Wind, if it did not exist then we would be bombarded with solar radiation from the sun.
Okay, here are the notes on the Right Hand Rule(s). They were already super straightforward so I just copied it as it was.
Oersted's Discovery
Oersted showed a connection between electricity and magnetism. If a current is flowing in a straight wire, a magnetic field is created, in cocentric circles, around the wire.
First Right Hand Rule
Grasp the wire with your right hand. Keep your thumb pointed in the direction of the conventional (positive) current flow. The fingers of your hand circle the wire and point in the direction of the magnetic field.
Second Right Hand Rule
The direction of the field produced by an electromagnet can be found by using this rule.
Grasp the coil with your right hand. Curl your fingers around the loops in the direction of the conventional (positive) current flow. Your thumb points toward the N-pole of the electromagnet.
Third Right Hand Rule
The direction of the force on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field can be found using this rule.
Point the fingers of your right hand in the direction of the magnetic field. Point your thumb in the direction of the conventional (positive) current flow in the wire. The palm of your hand then faces in the direction of the force acting on the wire.
Here's a cheap diagram I drew for you guys as a guide, pls excuse the ugliness:

Next scribe... Will be Matthew?
Anywhoots, we had another sub, Mrs. Karras I believe, and we went over several things.
We received a booklet on Ferromagnetism and the Domain Theory of Magnetism, we were given about 15 mins to read through it and then answer the questions at the back of the book. We were also given notes on Oersted's Discovery/The Right Hand Rule.
Here are the answers to the questions from the booklet:
1) To magnetize a steel nail, you can either rub it against an already permanent magnet, or simply place it in a magnetic field. In order to lose it's magnetization, you can heat the magnet or remove it from the magnetic field (i.e. drop it).
2) In order for such an occurrence to, well- occur, the cans would have to be made out of a ferromagnetic material. Therefore, the cans are not made of aluminum because aluminum is not a ferromagnetic material, thus it would not be affected by a magnet.
3) One end of the known magnet would be attracted towards the ferromagnetic material (iron) and the other end would repel the permanent magnet.
4) The purpose of the Van Allen belt it to protect us from the Solar Wind, if it did not exist then we would be bombarded with solar radiation from the sun.
Okay, here are the notes on the Right Hand Rule(s). They were already super straightforward so I just copied it as it was.
Oersted's Discovery
Oersted showed a connection between electricity and magnetism. If a current is flowing in a straight wire, a magnetic field is created, in cocentric circles, around the wire.
First Right Hand Rule
Grasp the wire with your right hand. Keep your thumb pointed in the direction of the conventional (positive) current flow. The fingers of your hand circle the wire and point in the direction of the magnetic field.
Second Right Hand Rule
The direction of the field produced by an electromagnet can be found by using this rule.
Grasp the coil with your right hand. Curl your fingers around the loops in the direction of the conventional (positive) current flow. Your thumb points toward the N-pole of the electromagnet.
Third Right Hand Rule
The direction of the force on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field can be found using this rule.
Point the fingers of your right hand in the direction of the magnetic field. Point your thumb in the direction of the conventional (positive) current flow in the wire. The palm of your hand then faces in the direction of the force acting on the wire.
Here's a cheap diagram I drew for you guys as a guide, pls excuse the ugliness:
Next scribe... Will be Matthew?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
scribe january 15
hey i just decided to scribe because im bored and might as well get this over with.
today we had a sub, Mr. Neufeld, pretty cool dude
We corrected chapter 24 review sheet and im sure everyone did wonderful.
We were also assigned to read that booklet Ms K gave us recently, and recieved a lil easy worksheet.
i'll do a little summary of the booklet
Poles are at the end of the magnet, where magnetic fields are most concentrated
North Magnetic Pole (N-Pole) is the pole that tends to seek the northerly direction
South Magnetic Pole (S-Pole) ".........................................................." southerly direction
Law Of Magnetic Poles
-Opposite poles attract
-Like poles repel
It is not possible to form a monopole (single magnetic pole), yet its possible to separate positive from negative charges
there ya go, i hope this counts as a post for me because i need to get one more
i guess the next scribe is matthew
today we had a sub, Mr. Neufeld, pretty cool dude
We corrected chapter 24 review sheet and im sure everyone did wonderful.
We were also assigned to read that booklet Ms K gave us recently, and recieved a lil easy worksheet.
i'll do a little summary of the booklet
Poles are at the end of the magnet, where magnetic fields are most concentrated
North Magnetic Pole (N-Pole) is the pole that tends to seek the northerly direction
South Magnetic Pole (S-Pole) ".........................................................." southerly direction
Law Of Magnetic Poles
-Opposite poles attract
-Like poles repel
It is not possible to form a monopole (single magnetic pole), yet its possible to separate positive from negative charges
there ya go, i hope this counts as a post for me because i need to get one more
i guess the next scribe is matthew
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Air Resistance and chapter five review
Today in school, we had a sub. We corrected falling and Air Resistance and chapter five review. Here is the answers for the two work sheets.
Falling and Air Resistance
4.still downward
8. greater
a.10 m/s²
b.6 m/s²
c.0 m/s²
d.-2 m/s²
e.-10 m/s²
f.0 m/s²
Chapter 5 Review
20n/70kg=.286 m/s²
v2=133 m/s
f=500kg x 44.3m/s²=22150n
a=(12 m/s)/0.083
a=144 m/s²
f=1.0kgx144 m/s²=144n
a=-40.0/75=-0.53 m/s²
next scribe is Shasta
Falling and Air Resistance
4.still downward
8. greater
a.10 m/s²
b.6 m/s²
c.0 m/s²
d.-2 m/s²
e.-10 m/s²
f.0 m/s²
Chapter 5 Review
20n/70kg=.286 m/s²
v2=133 m/s
f=500kg x 44.3m/s²=22150n
a=(12 m/s)/0.083
a=144 m/s²
f=1.0kgx144 m/s²=144n
a=-40.0/75=-0.53 m/s²
next scribe is Shasta
Gravitational Fields
All we did in class was pretty much correct the sheet that we got before the holidays "Grade 11 Physics: Gravitational Fields Worksheet". We also got 3 new worksheets. Number three was a diagram so I attached it below.
1. a)19.6m/s2 b)58.8m/s
2. a)-20m b)180m

4. (t=1.0s) =4.9m (t=2.0s) =19.6m (t=3.0s) =44.1m
5. Ft= 13780 [up]
6. a= 6.8N/kg [down]
7. a= 4.7 m/s2 [up]
8. a) 490N b) 490N c) 380N [down] d)355N e)490N f) zeroN
9. a= 0.6m/s2 [up]
I pick Abbas to scribe next.
1. a)19.6m/s2 b)58.8m/s
2. a)-20m b)180m

4. (t=1.0s) =4.9m (t=2.0s) =19.6m (t=3.0s) =44.1m
5. Ft= 13780 [up]
6. a= 6.8N/kg [down]
7. a= 4.7 m/s2 [up]
8. a) 490N b) 490N c) 380N [down] d)355N e)490N f) zeroN
9. a= 0.6m/s2 [up]
I pick Abbas to scribe next.
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