Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

YOSH!...this is Cloud Strife filling in for today...since no one has been scribing for the last couple days...Anyways, I'm only going to inform the class about what happened today...Here we go!...

At the first part of class, we read page six of our booklet "Grade 11 Physics: Gravitational Forces."...what it basically said is that if two objects with different masses are dropped at the same time, they will also land at the same time. This is because their acceleration is caused by the same gravitational force, if I'm not mistaken. Oh, and feathers fall more slowly because of air resistance...if you still don't understand, I suggest that you read the page on Acceleration Due to Gravity for yourself.

To test this theory out for ourselves, we also did an experiment for the rest of class. In this experiment, we had a rubber stopper attached to a string. The string gets shorter and shorter throughout the experiment and we need to find out whether the change in string length affects the gravitational force or acceleration on the object. This lab is due tomorrow, so you should answer the 6 questions on the back ASAP.

That was basically all we did today in Physics class...so I guess I'll be on my way. Hmm...the next scribe...will be...Johnl I CHOOSE YOU!...

Cloud Strife...out

SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES!!!...I wonder if anyone even noticed that this was here...for those of you who have found this, you must be really observant, somewhat of a genius...or just really, really, bored with nothing else to do...then again...you might've just came across it by coincidence...either way, good job...


Снаѐ said...

i just had to highlight since there's a big space [ i was curious ] :P

jayp said...

LOL! it wasnt very subtle...but very entertaining