*Edit:Mrs. Karras ->thanks Ms. K
Today we just did a lab. It was to test out Newton's Particle Model for the Refraction of Light.
The materials that we used are highly unlikely to be found in our houses (unless you have a spare ramp , a wedge, a steel ball and carbon paper laying around somewhere). I pretty sure everyone was in class today, except for maybe one person (who shall remain nameless xD) so you know what I'm talking about. Anyways, for those people who didn't hand in the lab yet, you can hand it in on Monday because we don't really have a Physics class tomorrow. We have some Halloween/ Pep Rally/ Challenge/ Boo in the School thing last period so yea.
What to Hand in:
-Two white papers w/the ball path on them
-Table of Data
-Questions on the back of the lab sheet
In case you don't understand what I'm talking about the questions were:
1.Why must you be careful to start the ball from the same point on the launching ramp?
2. Can this change in direction of the ball be described by Snell's Law?
3. What does this particle model of light predict about the speed of light in water compared with its speed in air?
And for the graph, don't forget a title, and that you are using sin"theta"i/r not "theta" i/r.
So that's it! Haah! So much for revenge John! LOL! Should've picked a busier class ;). So yea I guess all that's left to do is choose the scribe for MONDAY! lol. Any of you not sitting around me, you're safe for now (:.
So here we go!

Omedetou gozaimasu (congratulations) meimei! You are Monday's scribe!
'Kay well that's it from me! Happy (advanced) Halloween everyone! Don't forget to dress up tomorrow!
Peace out! Later! Bye! Cya! Gnite!
-pj (: